Japan Art Storm 5.0 in Tainan-日本風暴




I am participating in a group exhibition in Tainan, Taiwan.

For this exhibition, I am displaying and selling one acrylic painting and a set of Taiwanese ceramic coasters.

Here is an overview of the event.




C/LABORATORYが企画する、魅力的な日本のアーティストたちによる作品展示と限定グッズを展開する台湾展示企画 “日本風暴 JAPAN ART STORM IN TAINAN 5.0 -Travel-″ を12月13日より台南市のStableNice BLDG.にて開催いたします。

「JAPAN ART STORM」は、これまで2018年の高雄、2019年、2021年、2022年の台南と開催し、たくさんのアーティストにご参加いただきました。5回目の開催となる今回は昨年に引き続き台南市のギャラリー、カフェ、ショップ、イベントスペースを併設した複合施設で台南の流行発信スポットでもあるStable Nice Bldg.にて、24名の日本のアーティストによる作品展示と、限定グッズとして作品をプリントした台湾陶磁器のコースターを販売いたします。

今回の作品テーマは「Travel 旅」


旅の中で出会った景色やワクワクする気持ち、見たことのない新しい世界への想像など、「Travel 旅」をテーマに描いた作品の数々を展示いたします。

2023年から2024年へ。 C/STOREで展開するアーティストも参加し総勢24名の日本のアーティストたちが嵐を起こす「JAPAN ART STORM」がスタートいたします!



StableNice BLDG. @stablenice.bldg

原印臺南 IMIN Tainan @iminartlab

C/LABORATORY in collaboration with StableNice BLDG. and 原印臺南 IMIN Tainan will be holding a group show, “日本風暴 JAPAN ART STORM IN TAINAN 5.0 -Travel-“ at StableNice BLDG. in Tainan, Taiwan from Dec 13th to Feb 19th.

This year in our 5th edition, based on a common theme “Travel” 24 Japanese artists will exhibit their works and create limited collaboration Taiwan ceramic coasters designed by each artist. C/STORE recommended artists will also be participating.

From December 13th, C/LABORATORY will be hosting "Japan Art Storm in Tainan 5.0 -Travel-" at StableNice BLDG. in Tainan City, featuring an exhibition and limited edition goods by captivating Japanese artists.

"Japan Art Storm" has been held in Kaohsiung in 2018, Tainan in 2019, 2021, and 2022, with the participation of numerous artists. For its fifth edition, continuing from last year, it will take place at Stable Nice Bldg., a multifaceted venue in Tainan known as a trendsetting spot, integrating galleries, cafes, shops, and event spaces. The exhibition will showcase artworks by 24 Japanese artists, along with limited edition Taiwanese ceramic coasters printed with their artworks.

The theme for this exhibition is "Travel."

With fewer restrictions this year, the possibilities for exploration have expanded significantly. Many people might be embarking on trips after a long time. We will display various artworks themed around "Travel," portraying scenes encountered during journeys, the excitement, and imaginings of unexplored new worlds.

From 2023 to 2024, "JAPAN ART STORM," a collaboration of 24 Japanese artists, including those featured at C/STORE, will be unleashed, stirring up a storm!

[Link to event details: https://claboratorys.com/japan-art-storm-in-tainan-2023-10767]

Dates: December 13th, 2023 (Wednesday) to February 19th, 2024 (Monday)

StableNice BLDG. @stablenice.bldg

原印臺南 IMIN Tainan @iminartlab

C/LABORATORY in collaboration with StableNice BLDG. and 原印臺南 IMIN Tainan will be holding a group show, “日本風暴 JAPAN ART STORM IN TAINAN 5.0 -Travel-“ at StableNice BLDG. in Tainan, Taiwan from Dec 13th to Feb 19th.

This year in our 5th edition, based on a common theme “Travel” 24 Japanese artists will exhibit their works and create limited collaboration Taiwan ceramic coasters designed by each artist. C/STORE recommended artists will also be participating.

12月13日起,C/LABORATORY將在臺南市StableNice BLDG.舉辦「日本風暴 JAPAN ART STORM IN TAINAN 5.0 -Travel-」展覽活動,展示迷人的日本藝術家作品及限量商品。

「日本風暴」活動曾於2018年在高雄、2019年、2021年、2022年在臺南舉行,吸引眾多藝術家參與。這是第五次舉辦,與去年相繼,在臺南市知名的Stable Nice Bldg.舉行,這是一個集畫廊、咖啡館、商店和活動空間於一體的複合場所,也是臺南時尚發信地點。展覽將展出24位日本藝術家的作品,並有限量版的台灣陶瓷杯墊,上面印有藝術家的作品。



從2023年到2024年,《JAPAN ART STORM》將掀起一場嵐,由C/STORE推出的藝術家以及其他24位日本藝術家的聯合展覽活動即將展開!



StableNice BLDG. @stablenice.bldg

原印臺南 IMIN Tainan @iminartlab

C/LABORATORY in collaboration with StableNice BLDG. and 原印臺南 IMIN Tainan will be holding a group show, “日本風暴 JAPAN ART STORM IN TAINAN 5.0 -Travel-“ at StableNice BLDG. in Tainan, Taiwan from Dec 13th to Feb 19th.

This year in our 5th edition, based on a common theme “Travel” 24 Japanese artists will exhibit their works and create limited collaboration Taiwan ceramic coasters designed by each artist. C/STORE recommended artists will also be participating.



妖精作家しみ(Shimi) のウェブサイトです。ロウソク山のふもとから、妖精たちの物語をお届けしています。 Welcome to the website of the Fairy Artist Shimi. I bring you stories of fairies. 歡迎來到精霊畫家Shimi的網站。從蠟燭山腳下,我帶給您精霊的故事。


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